Who Should You Invite To Your Wedding?

wedding-guests-1If you are not the wedding “show-off” type and want to save money on your nuptial events, the FIRST thing any vendor will tell you is to trim your guest list.  But who makes the cut? Ask yourself some questions about the guests that are on your ‘maybe’ list:

Has this person contributed to the process of me becoming the person I am today?

Do I speak to them in person or on the phone at least once every three months?

Would I want them to invite me to a special life event of theirs?

Would I trust them to watch my children or my pets?

Has this person helped get me through a tough time in my life?

Is this person related to me by blood or marriage? If yes, do they regularly attend family events, holidays/reunions?

Do they know my brithday?

Do I enjoy carrying on a conversation with this person?

Will this person have a good time at my wedding?

If you answered “YES” to most of these questions, then invite them. If you answered “NO” to most of them, it probably won’t be much of a scandal if you leave them off the guest list.

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